Author: Siel Ju

Siel Ju lives in Santa Monica, Calif. More of her recent work has been published or is forthcoming in Denver Quarterly, Drunken Boat, Spoon River Poetry Review, LIT, Otoliths, and other journals. Previously an avid blogger, she now keeps an ill-maintained website at

Rebound & Like It’s 1984 & Stilettos


Unaware I’d been waiting wallet in hand
for your incarnation. by the balustrade
We bathed in boiling oceans we ate
frozen sunlight, washed down the strip swinging
hands in bleached sand. to a tune called
A blue tulip for your thoughts. razor
To your ear I simpered menacing
obsequities: sell me credit lines and
your expensive taste. I was afraid
You know I’m good to stop
for it.

Like It’s 1984

Our affections ossified at financial traumas
a petrified closed circuit. we smirked with
The boy who exhorted the heavies
against mental masturbation the only catastrophes
we began calling existed in the ledgers of
The Great Masturbator. a memory wiped
Our collusions were contingent on paper trails
on etymological retreats we looked slim
a thesaurus thinned by solvent consumers
two hacksaws. When he after all
pulled I saw toothsparks.


When he asked for lobster soup and salad
he got dry chicken too. made from scratch
I wanted to show him I can clean up
my abject obedience in a bebe LBD
with no hint of obeisance bootcamp body
Everything stole time. bought on my dime
He took his, measured me out. halved and quartered
I hid the parsley slightly wilted
under the red bolero I julienned my paycheck
then wore it as a corsage ate it raw
when he sniffed me out.